This webpage is designed to further facilitate keeping school and home connected! Our communication is an essential component to ensure that your child's experience at Bowen is successful. As a community we want to foster curiosity, creativity and a love of learning. By working together, children will be successful as they strive to be the best learners and friends they can be.
The website will be updated on a regular basis and will be a resource for you to reference periodically during the month. We will log all school wide emails on the Announcements From the Principal Page. News from School Council and the School Safety Committee will also be updated each month. In addition, you can view highlights from each week at Bowen. These highlights will include learning experiences in the classroom, school wide events and PTO sponsored events.
I hope you find this website to be a helpful tool for you. Please know that communication with you is important to me. Please feel free to email me or set a time to meet with me when you feel the need. Our conversations will improve your child's experience at Bowen. I am grateful to work with such a collaborative community.